An ATV pulling a couch on skis is one of the least bizarre sites at Eelpout 2011. A board in the weigh-in station marks the largest and smallest eelpouts on record through Saturday morning. A number of odd-looking eelpout hang outside the festival weigh-in station. A large trophy goes the overall weight winner at the end of the festival. Ice houses dot the horizon of Leech Lake on a bleak February afternoon. Paul and Wendy Skoglund of Duluth, MN were some of the few anglers to fish while braving the elements. Wendy Skoglund has been fishing at the Eelpout festival for 5 years. Paul Skoglund untangles his line. The largest fish caught as of early Saturday morning, 9.69 lbs. For the most part Eelpout Festival is more of a bar-hopping event than a fishing event. Structures like this dot the ice, serving beer on tap and stocked with a full bar. A reveling partygoer with his "Hops Holster" fully loaded. Some attendants clean out their ice house from the leftovers of Friday's party. "Ice Hole" peppermint schnapps is a very popular drink amongst 'Pouters. A man in Viking attire looks on in his snow vehicle. Members of the Tonight Show came up from LA to shoot a piece on the festival. A stuffed Taz doll adds a little punch to this man's ATV. Practitioners of the "Notel Motel," a popular spot on the ice in the evenings, have a bit of fun tossing around a cached keg. More couches on skis. Practitioners of the "Notel Motel," a popular spot on the ice in the evenings, have a bit of fun tossing around a cached keg. A view inside the "Notel Motel," a structure that could fit around 100 people. The best way to take a nap on Leech Lake. A festival-goer takes a shot through an ice sculpture inside the ice bar on the beach of Leech Lake. People gather for the Polar Plunge. A member of the Army National Reserves sings the National Anthem before the Polar Plunge. A group of women decked out in full Viking regalia take the plunge. Temperatures were around 10 degrees at this point, not taking into account windchill. Medical attendants in full dry-suits on hand to help out plungee's. A quick dash back to warmth. A burst of a flame into the sky helps warm the crowd. Its hard to catch your breath when soaking wet in below freezing temps. Nice form on a cannon ball. One expects this look after jumping in Leech Lake. Again, running back to warmth. Beautiful form on this belly flop. …And the ensuing splash. A member of the Bikini Ice Fishing Team. A quick dance number by the Bikini Ice Fishing Team. A quick dance number by the Bikini Ice Fishing Team. Free t-shirts and hats by the Bikini Ice Fishing Team. A singing number by a member of the Bikini Ice Fishing Team. A combination of high performance ice fishing attire… and a bikini. A combination of high performance ice fishing attire… and a bikini. Pumping up the crowd. Showing off some of the bikini ware. Bikini's and free t-shirts, a real crowd pleaser. More free hat's and of course bikini's. Free posters. Festival-goers scramble for a free Bikini Ice Fishing Team hat. Snowmobile jackets were a popular look throughout the town of Walker, MN. A look down onto the ice. Santa Claus made an appearance at the festival. A couple of parked snowmobiles. An old school snowmobile is still kicking on the ice. A great vantage-point for the festival. A large fire roars outside a number of trailers on the ice, keeping a large gathering warm as the sun wanes. Cutting a hole in the ice. Chains on the tires is a must for proper transportation. Popping a wheelie on a three-wheeler.