Survival Survival Skills

Survival Skills: Build Your Own Gunshot Medical Kit

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Don’t look for Band-aids or Neosporin in this medical kit. This assortment of supplies is tailored specifically to deal with gunshot wounds. A modular kit like this is a great addition to your range bag, your vehicle and even your BOB .

There are plenty of reputable companies out there selling their own gunshot trauma kits. Most kits start around $80. This is a quick solution if you have the money to buy them, but lack the time to assemble your own kit. Or you can follow our lead, by building your own custom kit. I picked up a nice little gear bag for $8 at a gun show, the other gear can be purchased for about $60.

Here’s what I have in my gunshot medical kit:

Dressings – These bandages are critical for bleeding control. Have 2 or 3 dressings each, in several sizes. Go with some 3 by 3 inch ones, some 4 by 4’s, and 1 or 2 larger trauma pad dressings.

Tourniquet – This is another item for heavy bleeding, specifically on limbs. The tourniquet is for occasions when a person would bleed out without the constriction. Yeah, you might do permanent damage to the limb with a tourniquet, but the limb is still no good without someone to use it.
Quikclot – 2 pouches Quikclot 1st Response (50g) will allow you to treat an entry wound and an exit wound or two GSW’s with only entry wounds. Make sure you use the product as directed!

Gloves – These are for your protection. You never know who might have a communicable disease, or what you may have to touch in the course of providing first aid. Go with 1 or 2 pairs Nitrile exam gloves.

Disinfectant – This could be Betadine wipes or a similar microbicidal product to disinfect a wound or equipment. If you use individual wipes, have 4 to 6 packs. Also consider a few alcohol wipes to disinfect your hands after treatment is rendered, in case a glove ripped or you didn’t have time to “glove up”.

Tape and Gauze – I lump these together as bandaging material. You’ll usually need one or the other (or both) to keep dressings in place and to keep dirt out.

CPR Shield – Rescue breathing can be messy and hazardous, but it can also be necessary to keep a gunshot victim alive. Keep blood and other fluids out of your own mouth by using a CPR shield.
Trauma Shears – These can be invaluable when you need to cut away clothing quickly to treat a wound.

Of course, there’s plenty more gear that you could add to this kit. Tampons are popular dressings in kits like these. Headlamps give you light and keep both hands free for nighttime emergencies. The list of helpful gear can be quite extensive, but this will give you a good foundation to get started.

Do you have a gunshot wound medical kit? Leave us a comment about the medical gear you carry.

More on how to survive a gunshot wound.