Dueling Polls on Gun Control

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In the wake of the Tucson shootings, CBS News and CNN/Opinion Research Corp. — among other organizations — conducted polls asking Americans about their views on gun control. The CBS poll results indicated “there is no significant change in public views on the issue of gun control and gun rights.” According to the CNN/ORC poll, 69 percent said they “have not changed their opinion” that more gun control is needed.

Then, on Jan. 18, Mayors Against Illegal Guns announced the results of a poll it commissioned which, essentially, confirmed the same results but, somehow, indicate that Americans want and need more gun control. The survey was conducted jointly by Momentum Analysis, a polling firm with Democratic clients, and American Viewpoint, a polling firm with Republican clients. The consensus is that “both gun owners and the general public support stronger measures to keep firearms out of the hands of criminals and other potentially dangerous individuals.”

Does anyone think it is a good idea to allow “criminals” and “dangerous individuals” to have firearms? Is anyone lobbying for this?

Of course not. But, according to Mayors Against Illegal Guns, the NRA and Second Amendment advocates — “gun nuts” like you — are doing just that.

Here is MAIG’s politically-motivated twist superimposed on the poll results: “Despite powerful lobbying against any new gun-control measures by groups like the National Rifle Association, a new poll shows that both gun owners and the general public support stronger measures to keep firearms out of the hands of criminals and other potentially dangerous individuals.”

This is an outright lie.

Yet, MAIG’s biggest hypocrisy? Calling itself a “bipartisan” group.

For more on the polls, go to:
No Shift Toward Gun Control After Tucson Shootings
Americans Split on Stricter Gun Control Laws, Continuing a Longtime Trend
— [CBS News Poll](https://1/11/11/; https://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2011/01/11/politics/main7237404.shtml?tag=contentMain;contentBody%20pol/)
Gun owners support wider background checks: poll
Poll: Majority Of Americans, Including Gun Owners, Support Tougher Restrictions
Poll: Sixty-nine percent do not want Arizona gun laws to change after shooting

For more on reaction to the Tucson shootings, go to:
In light of shootings, find a compromise on gun control
EDITORIAL: Most gun laws produce misfires
Ban on high capacity magazines considered
Response to shooting: Looser gun laws?
In Wake of Shooting, Some “Conservatives” Call for Gun Control
The Barr Code: Knee-Jerk gun control reaches new low
Demonizing gun owners in Tucson
After Tragedy, Ariz. Lawmakers Eye More Gun Rights
Gun Controls Pokes Its Ugly Head Up Every Time A Senseless Killing Occurs
Ahead: Speech Codes, Gun Bans And Obstructionism
Arizona Shootings and the Gun Debate: How Will the Public Respond?