“A brown bear has killed a moose in our yard”

The opening line spoken by Terri Lyon on a video she taped from her home’s elevated deck Sunday morning is not something you hear every day, not even if you reside outside a remote, last frontier kind of place like Homer, Alaska–as do Terri and her husband, Gary.Grizmoose

Noises coming from his driveway woke Gary Lyon about 6:30 a.m. Sunday, according to a report in Monday’s Homer News.

“I looked out the window and to my astonishment there were huge chunks of moose hair scattered up the driveway,” Lyon said. “Then I saw these two big animals–a mature sow brown bear that had this cow moose in its death grip. They were in the midst of the struggle.”

Lyon woke his wife and they began taking still photos and video footage. You can view the result on YouTube here. (Warning–it’s fairly graphic stuff.)

“The bear ripped (the moose’s) chest open, ripped out its heart, took the heart out and ate it. It was just like a horror movie,” Lyon told the local paper. “All the while it was kind of looking at us and looking at the woods. You could sense it wanted to get out of there. Then it got some or all of the liver, ripped that out and carried it off into the woods.”