The 20 Biggest Bucks From OL’s Deer of the Year Contest


It's not too late to enter OL's Deer of the Year photo contest. Upload a photo of your 2011/2012 deer here for the chance to win a Yamaha generator, Primos trail camera or Cabela's gift card. Click through this gallery to see all of the early entries. Enter Contest The Flyer Buck
5+ years of history and hundreds of trail cam photos, helped put me on this deer opening week of the Wisconsin archery season. He came in to a waterhole on the evening of Sept 19th. The buck gross scored 187 1/8. He had a 23" inside spread and a 10 1/2" Forked Flyer. He weighed 205 lbs, field dressed. -dmuche13
North Missouri Giant
Ashley was hunting with her dad on Opening day of MO rifle season when this giant stepped out. They were sitting in a ground blind over looking a picked corn field. About 430 this giant came walking up over the terrace and with a well placed shot form dad's 300win Mag the buck was down. -shipman7613
Illinois 18pt
I was hoping all morning for a big buck to give me a shot on my birthday. This 178" monster gave me a ten yard chip shot and went down in forty with a hole in his heart. -winn.cody
Iowa hog
I was set up over a big scrape line when this old brute heard my doe bleats. 20 yard shot double lunged him with my 35 year old Wanida Golden Eagle. He is my second deer ever killed. Scored 167" and a four inch drop tine of G2. -iabowhunter
Washington buck
I Shot this buck on opening day of rifle season. After a long day tired and sore, We spotted a small buck sticking his head out of the trees. I ran after him into the woods, he jumped away, just as I was about to go after him I looked to my left and saw this awesome buck staring at me broadside. One shot my 270win put him down. This is my first big buck, and the best hunting moment of my life. -april05
Buck of a lifetime
My Grandson Zach shot this buck with his Parker crossbow. He Green scores 175 and has a 25 1/2" inside spread. -Zman
Montana Mule Deer
4×6 mule deer shot near White Sulphur Springs, MT with Montana Hunt and Fish Company outfitters. 300 WSM at 200 yards. -nicklesuf
Personal Best
My brother and I called this guy in at about 10 o'clock in the morning. We had one trail cam pic of him from two days earlier and were super excited to go after him. Best hunting experience of both our lives. -walleye34
Bow Buck 2011
Harvested this buck on November 12th on our family farm from a stand we call "The Oats Stand" over a radish food plot. This buck came in looking for does at 8:30 am. He had a tremndous amount of character in his rack, multiple stickers, split brow, forked G2, but he had also broken off 5 points, even so he gross scored 140. All the food plot effort paid off!! -webfoot79
Buck of a Lifetime
Hunting is a social sport that would mean very little if we did not have family and friends to share the stories and experiences with. While anyone would be proud of a deer like this one, the whole experience wouldn't mean half as much if I had not been able to share it all with my father and best friend. -rjsteiner
This morning was different from the others in November. 35 mph winds and 4 inches of snow brought this bruiser into my calls for a twenty yard shot with my bow. Extreme conditions for Extreme results -delwood
Nebraska Giant
I left Superior, Montana and traveled 1,100 miles to Nebraska in search of a monster whitetail buck. On opening day of Nebraska's rifle season a dream buck appeared out of the mist. With one well placed shot and this giant buck sporting 13 points, scoring 187 2/8 and a live weight of 312 pounds was headed home to Montana. -stockardkl
Missouri Deer Hunting
On November 16, 2011, I was hunting during the Missouri Rifle Season. At 11:00 am I climbed into my deer stand. Thirty seconds later, this Missouri Bruiser walked out from the timber edge at 83 yards. As excitement filled by body, I successfully squeezed off a shot from my 7mm Remington Magnum and successfully harvested this 18 point buck. The unofficial score was 190 5/8. -heath_4503
1st Bow Buck Second year bowhunting
This year marked my second year bow hunting. I purchased a Mathews DXT over the summer from a local retailer in Rochester and he had me dialed in up to 50 yards in no time! So this year during the second week of the season when I grunted in this monster 13 pointer I was able to lance off a confident shot and took down this beautiful New York Big Buck. WHAT A RUSH! Kevin Amborski Bloomfield N.Y -ambo5404
Four Season Journey ends with First Buck
Only the Lord could provide a reward like this for an unwavering effort over the past 4 seasons. The last night of rifle season we decided to throw out the ground blind. We just sat on the ground on her father's property. We had never hunted on his land together. God decided it was time for her to get a chance. He didn't disappoint, and neither did she. Way to go honey! -Bone Collector
Bland County Virginia 10 Point Buck
10 Point Buck harvested on a private farm in Bland County Virginia-November 2011 -Bob Meek
Macks big 6×7
December 2, 2011 was a great day for Mack's fist deer hunt. After spotting two big bucks chasing a doe in heat we quickly got into position for a shot. Mack laid down, took a rest off of my pack and watched the rutting buck in his scope. He patiently waited for the big buck to stop and touched off his 25/06. After a quick 50 yard run the deer piled up. – bowforit
Duluth Chocolate
This was the only deer I have seen all season including early bow and the rest of rifle season. -johnson55720
Same Day Second Chance Buck
In the AM I missed an 11 pt I had photos of. That afternoon I went to a stand in the direction the 11 pt was last headed. At prime time a small buck came in and the big 11 was next. He came "head on" to my ladder stand and at 10 yds, I drew, he looked up and whirled running to 20 yards and stopped facing away! He turned and I shot. 11 pt, 18 ¼" spread, 160" Gross. -lundliker
Lou Pirello -emailsubmission

It’s not too late to submit your 2011 deer photo into our Deer of the Year Contest. In the meantime check out these early entries.