Quadski: Is it an ATV that can Ride on Water or a Jetski that Can Ride on Land?

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Whenever we went on family trips while I was a kid I would stare out of the side window for hours. I would imagine that I was racing “Big Blue,” our baby blue family wagon, on a four-wheeler. If a bridge came, I would jump it. A fence — I would blast through it. Water? Well. My 4-wheeler would turn into a boat. Kids have great imaginations. We tend to lose that creativity when we grow up.

The engineers at Gibbs Amphibians used a time machine, hi-jacked my brain and stole my idea back in 1982 and created the Quadski Does anyone know a good attorney? I want to take these guys to court for stealing my childhood fantasy.

The Gibbs Quadski is half ATV, half Personal Watercraft. It looks like it would do better in the water than on land. It has very little clearance and the hull looks like it would get destroyed on any rock.The high-speed amphibian prototype debut was 5 years ago. The Gibbs Quadski has undergone additional design work since this video was released and is schedule to go into production later this year. Pricing and release day to public has not yet been established.

They invited me to come out and test one this spring. Maybe they will let me attach skateboard wheels to a wakeboard and pull me around town.