Outdoor News July 30th

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MIDWEST Minnesota: Favre and Childress go armadillo hunting On a recent trip to Brett Favre's Mississippi ranch, Vikings coach Brad Childress was introduced to armadillo hunting. While driving through the ranch Favre spotted a an armadillo and took after them with a shotgun. "I'm going to get that SOB. I thought I got rid of him. They eat grubs. Just tear the heck out of the grass,' Favre says. -Michigan: DNR out to kill more deer -Michigan: Trout, salmon still biting in the Great Lakes Photo by: shgmom56
MIDWEST Kansas: Hunters discover marijuana field While scouting for deer, two hunters ran into a huge marijuana field in Sedgwick County. There were about 4,000 plants in the field that were worth millions of dollars in street sales. The hunters notified the authorities who destroyed the plants. Indiana: Big deer hunting changes coming to state -Indiana: State settles on design for carp fence -Illinois: High temps don't slow sauger competition Photo by: Travis Heying
WEST Oregon: Rocky Mountain goat heard released on Mt. Jefferson For the first time in 100 years mountain goats are back on Mount Jefferson. 45 goats were introduced from the Elkhorn mountains in hopes of creating a stable population. -Colorado: Investigators take aim at Parker hunting guides -Colorado: Anglers should get back to basics Photo by: gravitydude99
WEST California: Record Mako caught of Oxnard Sean Carlsen Gizatullin caught a 1,098-pound mako shark in a fishing tournament off Oxnard. He fought the fish for 45 minutes and missed the weigh in deadline for the tournament. However, the fish may qualify for a state record. -Arizona: State considers new hunting regs. -Montana: Elk numbers dip, are wolves the culprit?
SOUTH Georgia: Gator feeding frenzy caught on tape Fisherman Ray Carson filmed hundreds of alligators in the middle of a feeding frenzy in Stepen C. Foster State Park in southeast Georgia. The gators were chowing down mudfish in a rare cooperative feeding behavior that few biologists have ever witnessed before. Scientists say alligators go into feeding frenzies like this about once every four years. -Texas: TPWD optimistic about dove outlook -Florida: Hunting land opens up in South Florida
SOUTH Arkansas: Habitat program aims to keep migrating birds inland In order to keep waterfowl from migrating to oil-covered costal marshes in the gulf, the USDA is going to start paying farmers to flood their fields. The hope is that the flooded habitat will keep the birds inland and prevent them from reaching the coast. -Arkansas: Gator hunters get ready -Kentucky: Bass biting despite heat -Virginia: Hunting regs. change for turkey and bear
EAST Massachusetts: "Shark tourism" exploding in Cape Cod Large great white sharks have been recently spotted off the coast of Massachusetts and now the tourists are pouring in. Three sharks were seen from a plane off the Chatham shore and seven great white sharks have been seen off the coast of Massachusetts this summer. -Vermont: State to offer special-opportunity moose permits -Maine: Anti-hunters vandalize store -New Hampshire: Find blues, tuna and stripers in local water