Best Outdoor Life Reader Photos January 2013

Brodys 34 inch Northern
This is my 6 year old grandson Brody Thompson. The 2 of us were ice fishing on 12/29/2012 when his tip up flag went up. Brody told me that it felt like a big one. After a rather stressful tug of war he managed to drag the fish onto the ice. I was just as shocked as he was when that head came through the hole. -Glen Thompson
My Last Youth
I shot this big boy on the last day of Missouri Youth. I spotted him in our soybean feild with a doe. He bedded down and, with help, spent 4 hours trying to get him to stand up. We yelled, hit stuff, even shot at him. He finally stood up and I laid lead in him. Its a long, amazing story and was even more amazing hunt. I will never forget it. -Backwoodsbabe
Trophy Elk from Deadwood Outfitters
This is a great picture of an elk harvested on a hunt with Deadwood Outfitters. -drage
Beach Hunting
Hunting on Vandenberg AFB, California always presents a new adventure. Whether it is hunting in a forest to glassing on the beach like in this picture, it never gets boring. Looking for some boars that we have been tracking in the dunes. -viper101x
Lycoming County PA Bear Season 2012
Step dad on the right first bear and never shot a deer and his brother in the middle and his first bear me in the middle saw 3 bear and saw 2 get shot. -artzy80
12 in. G2's
I went and took my old man deer stand out of woods that morning and drove too where I would later shoot my bucks . Got in. woods one and half hours before sun rize. Then a owl screcthed about 10q ft. behind my right ear and I didnt move, then a hawk flow in and 45 mi. later I shot my big buck it was one crazy morning. -buckdragger
Arizona Desert Muley
I stumbled accross this monster buck while putting on a 300 yard stalk on a 4X in central Arizona Desert during the 2012 Dec archery hunt. This buck appeared on the backside of the hill i was on and i began to stalk him instead. I was able to close the gap to 62 yards before loosing him and made the shot. Results were a double lung pass and he dumped after 50yards. He scored a 193 4/8. -eawick
First Deer at Age 31
"I guess I am not meant to get a deer again this year." I thought. 30 degrees in Edwards Co, TX before dawn, I was eager for a cup of coffee. Morning came and the deer began to awaken. That's he came into view. A beautiful big bodied 8 point. I've been waiting for him! I took my shot. He dropped. No running, no tracking, no suffering. I had finally got my first deer! -stasialewis
Michelle Shoots Wahoo Number 5 for the Day
It was great wahoo hunting and they were everywhere. A rare occurrence In Nov it was fantastic and in Dec of 2012 we did not see one fish. Conditions were beautiful with warm rain and clear water. We were freediving in Panama where we live part time. -Dixmo
First Coyote of 2013
Called in this dog with an electronic caller and decoy. 5.56 AR-15 I built and painted several years ago.
-Riley Glock
Illinois Splits
Wind from superstorm Sandy kept us in 1 stand for 4 1/2 days. It finally shifted and I got to hunt a bedding area I had scored at before. This buck treed me at dark the 1st evening and showed back up the next morning with a 140in. 8pt and 3 does. He stayed tight in the brush while the 8 pushed the does. When they left he walked under my tree and I got him stopped at 21yds. -RDuane
South Dakota Pheasant Hunt
This my friends dog Mallard. We were in South Dakota in November. It was a beautiful day and a good hunt. I want to get this picture out, as it is one of the best pics I've ever seen. -pheasanthunter
Worth the Ride
350 mile ride was well worth opening day of shotgun with good friend john L. -pethier
Last Day of the Season
My husband took this picture of our son, Gannon, and our 12 year old lab, Belle. It was the last day of the season. Belle had suffered an injury before the season began, and was not able to hunt anymore. It was her only trip out. There was nothing for her to retrieve, but just getting out near birds for a slow walk was enough for this beloved dog. The smile on her face is priceless. -meloconnor
Fishing with mt girls.
Fishing with my two girls at Lake Wohlford in Escondido Ca. Took a pic with my phone, right when fish jumped. -rdmadson
My First Turkey
Me and my dad were sitting on private land during spring turkey season calling. Finaly a gobbler called back and started approching us. He came from behind us but walk up toward our right were I got a good shot on him. I was using my Remington 870 chambered in 20 gauge. The turkey had a 9 inch beard, 2 inch spurs,and weighed in around 24 pounds. -DJKKarpiej
Matthews Cat
This is a 15lb cat my 5y/o stepson matthew caught, he landed this on 6lb test. he has become a natural at fishing, cant wait for him to get older so we can start going after bigger and more varietys of fish. -Jace Boatwright
Intelligent Dog
My father has had two great Golden Retrievers in his lifetime. Rudder is his third Golden Retriever. And unlike the first two he refuses to retrieve ducks. He swims out to the duck circles it and comes back in. He watches my father wade out into the middle of the pond to retrieve his own ducks every time. -Brian Buitenhuys

Outdoor Life readers have started the year off right with a flood of hero shots from the woods and water. Check out the best photos uploaded to our bragging board this month.