Rasmussen Poll: Americans Want Better Gun Law Enforcement, Not New Gun Laws


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According to a Jan. 16-17 Rasmussen poll, 57 percent of Americans think “stricter enforcement of existing gun control laws” is more important than creating new gun laws and only 32 percent of those polled think creation of new gun control laws is more important than stricter enforcement.

Rasmussen Reports is a polling company founded by Scott Rasmussen in 2003 that produces public opinion data, analysis, and commentary that is distributed through a daily email newsletter, an online video service, syndicated radio spots, a weekly television show, and a weekly newspaper column. The company’s slogan is, “If it’s in the news, it’s in our polls.”

After the Sandy Hook school shooting, President Barack Obama introduced 23 new proposals on gun control and restrictions, purportedly in response to public demand. Senior White House advisor David Plouffe told the AP that the “common-sense proposals” engendered “enormous support” from the American people.

But, as Kelsey Osterman writes in redalertpolitics.com on Jan. 21, maybe that assumption is premature.

“If the POTUS really wants to listen to what the people want,” Osterman writes, “he needs to face the fact that enforcement — not legislation — is the word of the day.”

For more, go to:
Poll: Americans want gun law enforcement, not new gun laws

57% Think Enforcing Current Gun Laws More Important Than Creating New Laws

65% See Gun Rights As Protection Against Tyranny

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Gun fight over poll: Majority wants better enforcement, not new laws

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Rasmussen Reports