The Newshound’s Lowlife of the Week

The world has its share of n’er-do-wells and good-for-nothings. There are more than enough SOBs and scumbags to go around, thank you very much.

Then there’s the 24-year-old bottom-feeder who stole a rod and reel from a dying angler at a Lake Ontario harbor just before dawn last Saturday morning.Skunkingrass

The Toronto Star reports that a 68-year-old man was fishing around 5 a.m. at the Bronte Harbor when he collapsed.

As another fisherman began to perform CPR on the unnamed and unconscious angler, authorities said witnesses watched as Jamie Harland Gross stepped forward in the pre-dawn light, reeled in the fallen man’s line and fled the scene with his fishing gear.

An ambulance responded to the lakeside location and transported the man to a nearby hospital, where he was unfortunately pronounced dead.

Upon receiving a description of the thief, police arrested the lowlife soon thereafter.

Gross (an appropriate moniker if we ever heard one), a resident of Kitchener, Ont., was charged with theft and two counts of breach of probation. He has since been arraigned on the changes.

So, with nose firmly grasped, I’d like to present Jamie Harland Gross the first-ever Outdoor News Hound Scum-Sucking Bottom-Feeder Award.

Because he’s earned it.