Outfishing Julie Ball

Dr. Julie shows off a pair of rosies.
My Mom and step-Dad were visiting for the summer. As usual, Mom wanted to go fishing. She said she wanted to catch her new favorite "meat" fish, blackbellied rosefish. So, Rosies it was. We figured we would sneak in a few golden tilefish, since they were near the same areas. We shoved off way too early in Mom's opinion, at 5am. Beau Hoggard and Captain Skip Feller rounded out our crew. We left Rudee Inlet, Virginia Beach, and headed east armed with an electric reel for my Mom and step-Dad. The weather was good, with light winds.
Mom with her rosies.
We tried a new golden spot, since our last few spots have been fished out. The first person to hook up was my step-Dad, Dick. He pulled up the first golden tile of the day.
Mom was next to hook up. She squealed along with her electric reel. When her fish finally popped to the surface, she squealed even louder, she was so excited! Her fish was the biggest of the day, a 51-pound golden tile! She said it was the biggest fish she had ever seen. As usual, Mom out fished us, again.
I hooked the last golden, and then Mom was ready to get back to the rose fish. We also caught a few big hake in the mix. Beau was the life of the party, playing with the birds. He did have time to hook a stray mahi, though. After filling the fish box, we headed in with very tired parents. We had a great time!
Beau shows off his rose fish.
Captain Skip with blackbelly rosefish.
Beau waiting for a bite.
Captain Skip with mom's tilefish.
Dr. Julie with a tilefish.
Mom cranks in a golden.
Beau finds a friend.

Who can outfish Dr. Julie Ball? Her mother, of course! Join Julie, her mother and their friends on the water as they fish for hake, tilefish and blackbelly rosefish.