Would You Shoot a Bearded Hen?

Gerry Bethge Avatar


I saw her again last weekend and I’m not gonna lie–I really want to call her in, shoot her and take her to the taxidermist. Or at least I think that I do. She’s a triple-bearded hen that I’ve now seen three springs running and a totally legal turkey (of course) to take come opening day of turkey season in a couple of weeks.

I’m truly not a “trophy hunter” by any means nor can I really afford the taxidermy bill, but I’d surely get her mounted. She’s just an awesome-looking bird. I’ve intentionally hunted her two fall seasons in a row without seeing her, but feel as if, given the opportunity this spring, I’d try to take her.

Now, I understand that there are a bunch of guys out there who might think it sacrilegious to take a hen in the spring, but my thought is that if I can close the deal within the first couple days of the season–before she begins nesting and laying–I will.

So, what are your thoughts? Convince me either way.