Finny Facts Test yourself on what you know about fish

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The following statements deal with fish you probably catch all the time, as well as others you might never see (and might not want to). How many fish can you identify? Match the descriptions with the photos at right. Answers are on page FB10.

1 In the inland waters of the U.S., these snake-like fish are all females. Males never leave salt water.

2 Sometimes called G.I. bream, this bottom-feeding member of the sunfish family largely feeds on aquatic snails that it crushes with raspy patches in its throat.

3 Of all North American freshwater fishes, this prehistoric throwback can grow to the greatest size.

4 This noisy fish, sometimes called a crocus or thunderpumper, uses its air bladder to make loud, booming sounds when it is caught. The redfish is one of its saltwater cousins.

5 This Texas panfish is the only member of the cichlid family that is native to the U.S.

6 In 1956, Arkansas became the first state to stock this game fish in inland waters. In its natural state the adult fish is anadromous, meaning it lives in salt water and temporarily migrates up coastal rivers to spawn.

7 A jawless parasite that attaches itself to other fishes and sucks body fluids from them, this fish almost wiped out the Great Lakes trout fishery before it was brought under control.

8 There are 45 different subspecies of this type of fish inhabiting the waters north of the Rio Grande, ranging in size from a few ounces to well over 100 pounds.