Gun News of the Week

What you missed in gun rights and gun control this past week
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Anti-gun zealots protest FedEx’s NRA Business Alliance discounts

Guns Down America—a coalition of gun control and LGBT activist groups—is demanding that FedEx stop giving discounts to the National Rifle Association’s Business Alliance participants.

According to Bloomberg News, Guns Down America—joined by Color of Change, Newtown Action Alliance, and Pride Fund to End Gun Violence—called on supporters to “tell FedEx: stop supporting the NRA” in an online campaign and, on Dec. 21, staged protests at FedEx retail stores in Denver, Atlanta, Memphis and Orlando

Established in 1992, FedEx gives NRA Business Alliance participants up to 26 percent off select FedEx Express U.S. shipping, up to 18 percent off select FedEx Express international shipping, up to 24 percent off select FedEx Ground shipping and up to 20 percent off select FedEx Office services. Businesses pay $40 a year to join the alliance.

Guns Down America stated on its website: “While the NRA’s Washington lobbyists scheme to weaken gun laws and increase gun sales with scare tactics, they ignore the will of their own members, who overwhelmingly support stricter gun laws. (FedEx) “was #58 on the Fortune 500 list of companies in 2015, with revenues exceeding $50 billion. They have enormous economic power in America, and they can send a clear message to the NRA: American businesses do not support your extremist agenda, and we won’t accept your blood money.”

For more, go to:

Gun Control, LGBT Activists Protest FedEx for Giving NRA Members Discount

LGBT Groups Protest FedEx Over NRA Discount

FedEx Discount for NRA Draws LGBT, Anti-Gun Activist Rage

State politicians to push Trump, Congress to toughen gun laws

Senator to Trump: Do the ‘Unpredictable’ and Support Gun Control


Emotional activists target gun-rights supporters with childish ‘Christmas’ cards

A nest of bird brain knee-jerkers called Betsy Riot has targeted 768 guns rights advocates with childish but graphic “Christmas cards” that feature pictures of people who shot themselves.

According to Breitbart News, the “Christmas cards” varied from the hand-scrawled letter sent to Missouri Rep. Ron Hicks (R-St. Peters), which asked him to, “Please hurry up and go f**k yourself” to photos of self-inflicted gun shot victims from the U.S. National Library of Medicine National Institute of Health.

The Betsy Riot’s website tell the silly members to “respect the anonymity of others” — because they’re cowards — “to prank, to lambaste” and to cause “individual acts of gun culture sabotage or public disruption,” because they’re children and cowards. They have started several Twitter hashtags that specifically target gun rights groups and their message.

Among targets: Texas Rep. Jonathan Stickland (R-Bedford) and Dana Loesch, host of “Dana” on The Blaze and author of “Hands Off My Gun: Defeating the Plot to Disarm America.”

On Dec. 19, Stickland received a Christmas card with images of graph gun shot victims from Betsy Riot. “We just received this unmarked ‘Christmas Card’ to our home address. Thank God my young children did not open it first. What kind of sick liberal would send such a thing? Disgusting,” Stickland told the Associated Press.

Loesch, a Conservative commentator, received a similar card. She responded on Twitter and on Facebook, , “Why do I carry? Because gun control nuts are now harassing me and my family at my home address. My youngest son opened this.”

She’s not impressed or intimidated, noting using the mail to harass is a federal crime and she would pursue legal action against the senders of the Christmas cards.

For more, go to:

Gun control group sends gruesome Christmas cards to gun rights

‘Punk Patriots’ Attempt To Terrorize Hundreds Of Gun Owners With Explicit Suicide Photos

Read The Absurd, Unedited Interview With Gun Control Advocates Who Sent Graphic Failed Suicide Images To DC Officials

Here’s Why Gun Sales Could Slow Under President Trump

NYT: Trump Actually Supports ‘Arming People to Defend Themselves in Gunfights’

Do-Nothing Congress: Democrats ‘Pivot’ from Gun Control to Blocking Pro-Gun Bills


College campuses no longer free-fire zones in Ohio

College campuses and day care centers are no longer free-fire zones in Ohio. Gov. John Kasich has signed the newly adopted ”campus carry” bill into law, among 17 bills he formally endorsed last week that go into effect on Jan. 1.

The bill makes it legal for concealed carry to public areas of airports (but not beyond security screening stations), in addition to colleges and day cares.

According to The Cleveland Plain Dealer, here’s how guns might be carried on campuses: “College boards of trustees would have to vote to allow concealed firearms; child care centers and in-home daycare would have to post a sign if firearms aren’t allowed. The law also allows active-duty military to carry concealed guns without a permit and prohibits employers from banning permit holders from bringing guns into company parking lots. It takes effect in 90 days.”

For more, go to:

Ohio’s Kasich Signs Gun Law Expanding Concealed Carry In Day Cares, Colleges

SC Senator Vows To Strip Controversial Gun Bill Provision

Florida: Open-carry, campus gun bill may have easier road in Senate this year

Potential bill to repeal Kansas ‘campus carry’ gun law in the works

New York: Lawmakers’ move to block gun show to face veto, but new rules offered

The Effect California’s Newest Firearm Laws Have Had on ARs Again Proves the ‘Obama Surge’ Is Real

Gun Control Groups Pressure CA School District To Disarm Teachers

Some cities want to destroy seized weapons, even when they aren’t supposed to

Carjacking has incoming Missouri state rep motivated to propose more gun laws

N.J. Legislature blocks Christie’s attempt to loosen gun law

Advocates: Keep NRA out of Washington sex assault protections bill

Missouri Bill Would Set the Foundation to End Enforcement of Federal Rules and Regulations

Why one Colorado school district voted to let teachers carry guns to class

Tulsa World editorial: Oklahoma proposal would create special gun laws for the political elite

Indiana bill aims to eliminate requirement for gun permits

With permitless carry, Idahoans still seek out training, permits for concealed guns

Only 1 private citizen can legally carry a stun gun in New Orleans, for now

A Colorado School Will Let Teachers Carry Guns —And I 100% Agree


Reciprocity suit aims to force Georgia to recognize Virginia permits

A Virginia man is suing the state of Georgia to force it extend “reciprocity.” Robert Sadtler wants to take his firearm with him when he visits Georgia relatives but he cannot legally do so.

Sadtler’s suit seeks a ruling that will require Georgia to recognize gun carry permits issued to visiting Virginians, just as Virginia recognizes permits issued to Georgians who travel there. “I’m just looking to be treated as residents in other states are treated,” said Sadtler, of Richmond.

Sadtler’s suit, which is supported by, is testing Georgia’s all-or-nothing stance. According to the Associated Press, Virginia’s law says no one under 21 may obtain a carry permit; Georgia has the same rule with one exception — honorably discharged military veterans who haven’t turned 21 yet, a very small group of people.

“Until recently, Virginia didn’t recognize Georgia licenses at all, attorney John Monroe told Rhonda Cook of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “And now they recognize Georgia but not people under 21.”

Monroe told Cook that did a survey of probate judges, who issue gun permits in Georgia, showed that about 100 Georgians younger than 21 have been issued permits to carry handguns because of their military service.

Reciprocity is a state-by-state issue even though that for several years, there have been attempts to pass a national reciprocity law. Pending U.S. House and Senate bills will die at the end of this session of Congress, but will be introduced in 2017 with the best chance it has had for passage since it was initially introduced years ago.

For more, go to:

Lawsuit aims to force Georgia to recognize Virginia’s gun-carry permits

Georgia AG Sued Over Refusal to Recognize Virginia Gun Permits

Virginia Gun Owner Says Georgia Is Violating Its Own Weapons Laws

GeorgiaCarry.Org is Georgia’s No-compromise Voice For Gun Owners.