Big Pig World Records

A wild hog big enough to ride is certainly a giant, well worthy of the SCI record book. Douglas Salomon's trophy boar ranks as the number four muzzleloader trophy, with a score of 27 2/16s. He was on a self-guided hunt in Kerr County, Texas.


The tusks of this feral hog are almost incredible, with a total SCI score of 41 12/16-inches. This number one SCI ranked bow-kill pig was taken in 1999, and had a left tusk measuring 17 ½-inches, a right side at 18 ½-inches!
Elizabeth Seegmiller is all smiles with her trophy hog, and who wouldn't be? It ranks as the number three SCI trophy for muzzleloaders, with a score of 28 1/16. The bruiser pig was taken in Medina County, Texas in April 2005.
Handgun-hunter Richard McFalls holds the number one SCI pistol spot for feral hogs with this outstanding boar having tusks measuring 33 13/16s inches. The left tusk measures 15 inches long, right tusk just over 14 inches – plenty long and sharp enough to do serious damage during a charge.
Winter bowhunter Michael Rudzinis holds the number six SCI record arrow-kill hog with this bruiser, scoring 28 10/16-inches. The large head and ridge-back of this all-black pig shows its European boar ancestry.
Kris Johnson holds the number two spot for biggest hog taken by a handgun hunter with this nasty-looking oinker having a tusk score of 28 8/16s. He took it in January 2005 near Okeechobee, Florida, with Thunderwolf Outfitters. Both tusks were 11 ¾-inches in length.
Hawaii for wild boar? Yep, that's where hunter Bobby Caires took this number nine rifle-harvested SCI trophy. It scores 27 8/16s, and was taken in July 1990 from the Ulapalakua Ranch on the island of Maui.
Bowhunter Al Coon used his Oneida bow to tag this SCI bow trophy. The big boar had a score of 29 inches, with a left razor-edge tusk measuring 12 12/16-inches, a right tusk of 11 14/16s.
Don't let that white-neck collar fool you. This number one SCI muzzleloader feral hog is as wild as they get, though it shows its domestic blood lines, too, from many generations ago. The hog scored 35 4/16s, with tusks measuring 14 and 16 inches. Eric Scott Wallace took it in Humbolt County, California during a December 2004 hunt.
Gary Kehne's giant porker is the third best SCI hog taken by a bowman, sixth best by any harvest method. The hairy beast has a score of 32 13/16s, with a left side tusk measuring 11 2/16-inches, and a right side ivory stretching an incredible 16 7/16s inches!
This hog has a face only a mother could love. Kris Johnson took it to secure the number 14 SCI wild hog record spot. Its tusks score 25 inches, with each ivory measuring over 10-inches long. It's easy to see from the photo that this hog was all deadly business, since it's missing a chunk of its right ear from fighting other oinkers.
Alan Chopp's wild hog may not have the biggest body, but its dentures are huge, and that's why its score of 29 6/16s puts it the SCI number nine record spot. Taken from North Carolina it has tusks measuring about 13 inches per side.
All U.S. feral hogs have roots back to the Old World, where some of the biggest, baddest of all porkers still roam. This Eurasian wild boar is a case in point. It's the number one pig from Europe, taken on a cold November 2006 day by Russian hunter Igor Mochaev, in Belarus. It scored 30 15/16s.
The number two SCI Eurasian wild boar from Europe is this bristle-back trophy, taken by Oleksandr Aptilon from the Ukraine in 2001. Its tusks scored an even 30 inches.
Asia also is full of wild hogs, and this Eurasian wild boar is the best from the big continent. With a score of 31 2/16s inches, this brute was taken by Jose Sodiro during a September hunt to Mongolia.
If anyone doubts that wild pigs are equipped to hurt you, take a look at Danial Peyerk's "giant forest hog." It ranks number two in SCI for the species, with a tusk score of 34 10/16s. This African animal was taken from Ethiopia in 2006, and sports a pair of tusks each over 12.5-inches long and 4.75-inches in circumference. That's about the size of a foot-long hot dog!

Boars are ranked by their tusk size, with measurements made for length and circumference for each of the larger low-jaw teeth – and they can be huge, at well over a foot long in big boys.