20) Country Boy
Johnny Cash Best Lyric: Country boy, you got a shaggy dog / country boy, up the holler log / well he comes at a run when you pick up your gun / and with a shell or two and your dog and you / when you get your rabbit you're gonna skin his hide / he's gonna be good fried

Guns & Roses Best Lyrics: Welcome to the jungle / It gets worse here everyday / Ya learn ta live like an animal / In the jungle where we play

Brad Paisley Best Lyrics: When you see a deer you see Bambi / and I see antlers up on the wall / When you see a lake you think picnics / and I see a largemouth up under that log

Blake Shelton Best Lyrics: Now Ol' Red he's the damnedest dog that I've ever seen / Got a nose that can smell a two day trail / He's a four legged tracking machine / You can consider yourself mighty lucky / To get past the gators and the quicksand beds / But all these years that I've been here / Ain't nobody got past Red

Brad Paisely Best Lyric: I've got some big news / The bank finally came through / And I'm holdin' the keys to a brand new Chevrolet / Have you been outside it sure is a nice night /How about a little test drive / Down by the lake / There's a place I know about where the dirt road runs out / And we can try out the four-wheel drive / Come on now what do you say / Girl, I can hardly wait to get a little mud on the tires

Josh Turner Best Lyrics: Woke up at 5am, put on my camouflage / Wiped off my .243 and fired up my Dodge / Headed out to my ol' deerstand back in the pines / Gonna get me a ten point buck with 11 inch tines

Metallica Best Lyric: Off through the new day's mist I run / Out from the new day's mist I have come / I hunt / Therefore I am

Loudon Wainwright Best Lyric: Take a whiff on me, that ain't no rose! / Roll up yer window and hold yer nose / You don't have to look and you don't have to see / 'Cause you can feel it in your olfactory

Justin Moore Best Lyric: Rifle in a gun rack hanging in the back glass / Buck knife on my belt, ain't no land for sale 'round here / Red clay country mud, sippin' on a cold Bud / Blue tick coon hound you know where I'm found out in the backwoods

John Denver Best Lyric: Now he walks in quiet solitude the forest and the streams / Seeking grace in every step he takes / His sight has turned inside himself to try and understand / The serenity of a clear blue mountain lake

Da Yoopers Best Lyric: It's the second week of deer camp / And all the guys are here / We drink, play cards and shoot the bull / But never shoot no deer / The only time we leave the camp / Is when we go for beer / The second week of deer camp / Is the greatest time of year

Ted Nugent Best Lyrics: Just like the wolf, I'm getting hungry / The law of the land, it is my will / And I ain't got time for staying angry / But I got the time / to make a kill / Watch me kill

Josh Turner Best Lyrics: Well, I grew up wild and free / Walkin' these fields in my barefeet / There wasn't no place I couldn't go / With a .22 rifle and a fishin' pole

Tracy Byrd Best Lyric: Mossy oak swamp bottom, dew drop falling / Old Tom answering a hoot owls call / Nothing like the sound when the day breaks / Me and Daddy in the woods on a Saturday / you see his Granddaddy hunted these hills and / I hope someday my kids will / He said, Do me a favor before i'm gone, / love this land and pass it on

Mel McDaniel Best Lyrics: Waiting in the front yard, sitting on a log / Single shot rifle and a one-eyed dog / Yonder come my kin folk in the moonlight / Louisiana Saturday night

John Denver Best Lyric: Well, life on the farm is kinda laid back / Ain't much an old country boy like me can't hack / It's early to rise, early in the sack / Thank God, I'm A Country Boy

Bananas at Large Best Lyric: Ya, I'm a deer hunter / How do you do? / I got the deer huntin rep n tale for you / I'm so excited, it's my favorite time of year / I love to freeze my buns / chosen trophy deer / But don't clap your hands / to the stompin of the feet / because Yahey's like me / he can't keep a steady beat no, m mm, / I got the great big knife / cause the hunting is my life.

Chris Ledoux Storm clouds are building above the timber line / The lightning's flashing across the mountain side / The thunder's rollin' down the canyons of his mind / Somewhere beyond the great divide / The bugle of the bull elk echos through pines / The north wind moans her lonesome lullaby / He hungers for the freedom of an eagle as she flies / Somewhere beyond the great divide

Hank Williams Jr. Best Lyrics: We came from the West Virginia coalmines / And the Rocky Mountains and the and the western skies / And we can skin a buck; we can run a trot-line / And a country boy can survive / Country folks can survive

Ted Nugent It was kinda dark, another misty dusk / it came from a tangle down be-low / I tried to re-mem-ber everything you taught me so well / I had to de-cide which way to go / Was I a-lone or in a hunter's dream / Cause the moment of truth was here and now / I felt his touch I felt his guiding hand / The buck was mine forever more!

Before you head for the woods or water play these tunes to put yourself in the right state of mind. We countdown the best hunting and fishing songs of all time.