In WI, open-carry means openly harried

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In April 2009, Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen issued an opinion affirming the right of law-abiding gun owners to carry their weapons openly in most public places.

Word of that ruling by the state’s leading legal authority apparently never arrived in the state capitol, Madison — a university town renown as a haven for fascist liberals.

On Sept. 18, five open-carry advocates wearing holstered pistols, entered a Culver’s restaurant, sat down and ordered a meal. A woman patron called 911. Responding officers asked the men for identification or face arrest.

They produced IDs, but were cited for disorderly conduct anyway. On Sept. 29, gun-rights group Wisconsin Carry filed two federal lawsuits against the Madison Police Department and Chief Noble Wray, accusing them of violating the Second Amendment rights of the five men.

“You can’t stop a law abiding person, demand their ID, search and seize their property without probable cause, and that’s really what this comes down to,” said Nik Clark, president of Wisconsin Carry.

For more, go to:
Gun-rights group sues Madison over 5 citations
Packing heat: Debate over public display of guns reveals societal rifts
Open Carry Group Plans To Sue Madison
Gun owners display their rights
Latest on Madison Police Chief Noble Wray’s Open Carry Debacle