Top Ten Creatures You Hope To Stumble Across in 2012

Bigfoot, Loch Ness, mermaids, unicorns and dragons… I’ve never seen any of these creatures, and I’ve covered a lot of ground in my day. I’ve even been lost without a camera a few times. You’d think that would have been the perfect time to run into one of these! But, “Nope!”, Chuck Testa’d. I’m not lucky enough. Question is what would a guy do? Shoot it? Probably.

There are a ton of myths out there, including whatever always swallows up that missing sock. I have no idea. And Da Turdy Point Buck–where’s he livin’? I definitely haven’t seen him and if I did, what would I do? Miss, most likely.

So, Happy New Year everyone! Let’s hear what critter you’d like to finally get an encounter with in 2012!

Here’s Mine: A Liger! If Napoleon believes–I believe!

Write your funniest ideas in the comments section for the chance to win an ASAP Survival Gear Pack. Last week’s Winner

Top Ten Christmas Gifts You Hope Fall Out of Santa’s Sleigh

10.) from pineywoods: Feral hog chia pet.

9.) from Buckshott00: A man bag. I don’t care what the salesman told you, it’s a purse!

8.) from Sven_Katur: A python.

7.) from Johnnie: Reindeer poop. I have three dogs and I pick up three dogs worth of poop all year long. The one gift that I hope Santa doesn’t bring me this year is nine reindeer pooping on my lawn. I have enough poop to pick up as it is.
Merry Christmas everybody!….. Johnnie and Family

6.) from pbshooter1217: A gift certificate to the mall, I was their long enough with my girl friend Christmas shopping.

5.) from Fishman24: A$$less Chaps, I just don’t need them.

4.) from ishipley: naked Rosie O’Donell quote of the day calender

3.) from JM: Women’s Lingerie…it’s not the base layer I want to wear hunting.

2.) from Ric Waters: I carved a brook trout and wan’t happy with it. My mom pulled it from my scrap heap, painted it, screwed brass hooks in the side and gave it to me for hanging my keys on.

1.) from drake_whisperer: A week long visit from my new mother-in-law…’nuff said…Anyone need company in a duck blind? The lab and I are ready to load up the wagon and peel out of here…..