The Best Damn Goose Recipe Ever

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The first part of the recipe for the best damn goose you’ve ever had goes like this:

Step 1: Browning Maxus + Winchester Blind Side + Decoying geese = Kill

And, now thanks to John Vaca, field pro coordinator at Final Approach, you’ll know step 2 – the best way to serve the big hunks of breast meat.

Like my fellow outdoor writer, dog man, waterfowl aficionado and beer enthusiast, Kyle Wintersteen at the NRA’s American Hunter, I prepared some waterfowl for a holiday party – my party involved family members and not lawyers so I opted for the fresh-killed meat and not the freezer burned stuff.

Using Vaca’s recipe (which is step 2), the meat was a raving success with people scarfing it down like it was the only muscle tissue at a vegan buffet. Like Wintersteen, the most common comments were: “What kind of beef is this?” … “THIS is GOOSE?” … “I didn’t know you could eat geese!” … “Want to come kill the geese on my dock?”

Step 2: Light olive oil + Montreal steak seasoning + a hot grill = deliciousness.

The combination of heavy salts and chunky pepper season the meat and suck out any gamey taste, which is then replaced with the olive oil. Tender, succulent goodness is all that remains.

A couple of key points: The olive oil has to be “light” for some reason (when a man like Vaca gives you a recipe, you don’t ask stupid questions but glean every bit of knowledge possible). And heat the grill up very hot so you sear the meat quickly.

Marinade the breasts in the mixture of olive oil and Montreal steak seasoning for 3 or 4 hours. After that time, stir the breasts around and add more oil if necessary. Let it marinade another hour or two. Heat your grill up and cook the meat for 3 or 4 minutes on each side. As with all wild game, don’t overcook it! Cut the meat against the grain (the long way down the breast) so it’s tender to the tooth.

