Canned Pumpkin: Nature’s Cure for Diarrhea

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If it’s not one dog eating something that causes diarrhea, it’s the other.

From field-found objects like droppings from other animals and critters that have been dead for days or weeks, to household items like garbage (which contains things like cooked bones, human food or products like foil or paper), to travel stress — many things can cause diarrhea in a dog.

A good treatment if your dog has acute diarrhea for a day or more is to withhold food for 24 hours, give him some loperamide (Immodium) and then feed a small, bland, high-fiber meal of something like rice cooked in chicken broth. I like to continue to give loperamide and slowly decrease the rice while increasing regular feed over a couple of days until their stool firms back up.

While at the kennel not long ago, I was having a discussion on the topic with pro trainer Dan Hosford from “The Working Man’s Retriever” television show.

Whenever he has a dog in for training that starts to get loose stool, he starts treatment by feeding them a ¼ to ½ a can of pumpkin. The high-fiber paste binds them right up and firms the stools back up.

The next time your dog starts to get some diarrhea, or even just loose stool, try feeding them a little canned pumpkin to get their digestive system back on track.