Meet Shawn White of Pomeroy, Ohio. Shawn was selected from a field of more than 1,200 for the Grand Slam Turkey Adventure. As you can read in his essay, it’s been Shawn’s dream to apply what he’s learned from Ohio River gobblers to spring woods across the country. He’s about to get the chance.

Shawn White
Pomeroy, Ohio
Shawn’s turkey hunting experience prior to winning the Turkey Adventure trip:
Eastern gobblers in Ohio and West Virginia with a shotgun and compound bow.
Shawn’s winning essay for the Grand Slam Turkey Adventure:
It has always been my dream to get the Grand Slam. I have hunted turkeys since I was allowed to hunt by myself, at age 13. No one I knew hunted turkeys and I couldn’t get anyone to take me. So I learned to hunt turkeys on my own, and I have passed on my knowledge of hunting turkeys to many people. My little brother killed his first bird with me and that was the start. Since then I have taken out six other people on their first turkey hunts and all but one of them have killed good birds. The one that hasn’t yet killed one keeps coming to hunt with me and has done so for four years. I also am involved in the “Youth Hunting” here in Ohio for deer and turkeys. My own daughter Brittany harvested her first buck this year at the age of five. I try to do my part in never letting another person start out on their own without some help and guidance. That is why I think it would be awesome to get the chance to take the trip. It has always been my dream to kill a Merriam’s turkey. I think they are the most beautiful bird alive. I would be honored and very proud to get this fine opportunity.
Shawn’s reaction to finding out he was the winner of the Grand Slam Turkey Adventure:
You’re kidding me! You have to be kidding! I never win anything. This is a dream come freakin’ true! Wait ’til I tell my buddies!