Sportsmen’s Heritage Act Passes House, Now Awaits Passage in the Senate

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Got 30 seconds? Then you’ve got the time to help ensure public lands remain open to hunting, fishing and shooting.

We don’t often see bi-partisan legislation that makes sense. But the Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act (SHARE) of 2014 is such a package and the U.S. House of Representatives just passed it. Now all we need is a little help from the Senate and President.

The legislative package includes provisions that would ensure that more than 700 million acres of federal public lands remain open country.

“Sportsmen nationwide must contact their [legislator] today and urge them to vote yes on this critically important legislation,” said Bill Horn, USSA’s director of federal affairs in a release on Monday. “The language included in H.R. 3590 is vital to the future of hunting, fishing and recreational shooting on public lands. Also tell them to oppose any amendments that could jeopardize these protections.”

A key feature of the package is the “open until closed” language which clearly states that hunting, fishing, and shooting are valued and valid uses of our Federal public lands.

The bill also includes language that prohibits the EPA from regulating lead ammo and fishing tackle, promotes the construction of shooting ranges on public lands and permanently authorizes the online sale of Federal duck stamps.

Sound good? Perfect. Now call your legislator and ask them to support the package and, just as importantly, to keep their meddling pens off the language that protects hunting, fishing, and shooting.

You can find your legislator’s contact information here.