This week’s Top Ten is a doozy to say the least. It’s also one of my favorites! You know those special days when the hunting is so good that, under no circumstances, will you quit because you’re too cold? It’s so cold that you can’t even push a shell into the magazine of your shotgun because your hands are dead numb. We’ve all been there. So, let’s hear it: What is the craziest thing you have used or seen used to warm up your hands on those once-in-a-lifetime winter hunts?
Here’s mine: The craziest thing I’ve seen used as a hand warmer is – my buddy’s Grandpa’s catheter bag!
Write your funniest ideas in the comments section for the chance to win an ASAP Survival Gear Pack and Brunton lantern (valued at $200).
Last week’s Winner
Here are the top ten best comments, and #1 is the winner. There were just too many good ones to choose from this week everyone. Nice job!
Top Ten Reasons You Know You’re a Terrible Shot
10.) from jxgree: You know you are a horrible shot when you consider your ammunition bill to be highly confidential information.
9.) from Johnnie: You know you and your family are terrible shots when history has it as your ancestors are the original “You couldn’t hit the side of a barn” shooters and generation after generation still holds true to this day.
8.) from mkorpal: You know you’re a terrible shot when Benny Spies hits more roosters than you while road hunting (see Season 1, Episode 5: The Road Hunt). No offense, boys!
7.) from tugmcgraw: You know you’re a terrible shot when you’re name is Plexico Burress…
6.) from Hunter_Fass: You know you’re a terrible shot when multiple ammunition companies send you a Christmas card every year.
5.) from Edmick: You know you’re a terrible shot when the only thing you’re killin’ is time!
4.) from Ruger: You know you’re a terrible shot when you get a hunting endorsement from PETA.
3.) from illinoisburt: You know you’re a terrible shot when your rifle target and turkey choke target have the same pattern.
2.) from ckrogman: You know you are a bad shot when Dick Cheney refuses to go hunting with you.
1.) from bigcat: You know you’re a terrible shot when the game warden cuts you a break after you missed his mechanical deer so badly.