6 Solid Shooting Rests For Setting Up Quickly

Shot opportunities can materialize unexpectedly. Don’t waste an opportunity or risk wounding an animal by shooting off-hand. Solid shooting rests are all around you.

1. Fence Post
Game and hunters alike travel fence lines, so the chance of running into an animal along one is highly likely. Luckily, there’s a fence post to use as a rest every 12 feet or so. Use the top of it for a standing shot, or where the wire crosses for a kneeling shot.

2. Top of a Rock
If there’s a large rock nearby, use it to rest your elbows on, or lay an article of clothing or your pack on top of it to rest your firearm on. Don’t put your rifle directly on the rock.

3. Your Backpack
You’ve been lugging that pack around all day carrying stuff you don’t need. Here’s your opportunity to use it. Drop it on the ground, lie in a prone position, and rest your firearm across it.

4. Sticks
Find two sticks of similar length. Spread the bottoms apart into a large upside down V, crossing the tops of the sticks. Place the forend of your firearm in the top V just above your grip.

5. Riverbank
River and creek banks are game highways. If you find yourself faced with a quick shot as you walk along one, use the top of the bank to rest your elbows on, with your body below the bank.

6. Tree
Cup the side of your gun’s forend and hold it against the trunk of a large tree. For a small tree or sapling, kneel next to it, grip it tightly, and lay your firearm on top of your fist.