3 Meat Martinis: Marinade Mixology for Wild Game

Marinades for your next wild game recipe
wild game marinade
The Twisted Green Gator marinade. Krissie Mason


I’ve pulled together three saucy amalgamations that are easy to make and may leave you wanting to concoct your own marinade mixology menu. The basic formulation of any marinade includes three key components: acidic, sweetness, and an accent of spice and herbs. Blend each together with a little oil and the possibilities are endless.

But first: let’s establish the difference between a brine and a wet rub. Brining is great for adding moisture to make wild game juicy. The purpose of marinating is to tenderize and add flavor. Marinades, pastes, and wet rubs are best used on muscular cuts as they break down the muscle fiber. Remember, marinades appreciate a good massage, so get in there with your mitts and rub it up. Allow a resting of 2-24 hours. Refrigerate as necessary.


marinade ingredients
Ingredients for wild meat marinades. Krissie Mason

Twisted Green Gator

½ cup orange juice

1/8 cup sesame

2 cloves garlic

½ shallot

¼ oz. fresh basil

S & P to taste

1 cup neutral flavored oil   Put everything except oil in a blender. Start blender and pour in oil slowly.

Burly Knave

¼ cup soy sauce

¼ cup Worcestershire sauce

¼ onion

3 garlic cloves

Salt and pepper to taste

1 cup oil   Put everything in a blender. Start blender and add oil slowly.

Red-Headed Step Child

¼ cup dark molasses

1 tablespoon brown sugar

¼ teaspoon cayenne

½ tablespoon dried rosemary

¼ cup Dijon mustard

Mix together and massage half mixture on one side and the other half on the flip side. Allow flavors to penetrate for 2-24 hours.