Hunter Takes Virginia Buck With 32-Inch Spread


There are a lot of big deer pictures floating around the Internet these days. One that’s recently caught our attention is this super wide buck from Virginia with a reported 32-inch inside spread.

The buck was supposedly killed around Chase City on October 30th on a large tract of land that borders the town limits where hunting is not allowed.

There is a good chance that the buck lived in the safety of the town limits for most of its life to get this big. There have been a few bucks over the past few years out of Virginia with super wide racks, but none to our knowledge have surpassed the 30-inch mark. I can’t even begin to imagine how this buck managed to walk through the woods with a rack this wide.

That’s all we know on this deer at the moment, but we’ll follow up with more details as they come up. Any guess on what this thing scores?