First Deer II

I was hunting from an enclosed tree stand when this buck came out. I made so much racket trying to get into position I thought there was no way he wouldn't spook--but he just stood there broadside about 60 yards away...waiting for me. Wow what a great experience!!--huntchic


Brandon (dude) shot this deer from a treestand on a green field. Geez it's hard for 11 yr olds to be still that long!!! But he is so proud!!–huntchic
I killed this buck with a slug gun about sundown on a friend's land in Gadsden County, Florida.–pjdominic
10-year-old Abi shot this buck while hunting during 2009 Wisconsin Youth Deer Season. Deer has inside spread of 16 5/8", green score of 126 3/8" and dressed out at 188 pounds.–pttaylor
13-year-old Haley shot her buck of a life time during 2009 Wisconsin's Youth Deer hunt. One large buck came out while her father was grunt & rattling. Haley was getting ready to shoot the buck when another bigger buck step out. Haley shot larger buck at 90 yards, 10 points, 18 1/8" inside spread, 194 pounds dressed out. –pttaylor
I am just a proud parent who saw her youngest son (17) get his first and second deer within 4 days! After hunting for more than 4 years, he finally has achieved what few do in a lifetime. Tuesday, Dec.8th-4:30pm–140-pound doe. Saturday, Dec. 12th 2:30pm-170-pound buck (8 points). Both weights are field dressed. Location: Massachusetts.–ashleyfamily04
Emily worked hard for the last 2 years taking hunter education, helping with handloading and practicing on full size cardboard targets afield. Practice paid off at 8:30am on the second morning of modern firearms deer season. Emily exicuted a perfect high shoulder shot with her 6.8mm Remington TC Carbine. I am a proud dad indeed. The next generation of sportsman are coming along just fine.–blacktail 10
This is my son's first deer he shot with a little help from his dad.–Esapanetti
This is my first whitetail deer. It is a 13-pointer, 200+ lbs, opening day at about 9:30. My family's been hunting at our cabin for 23 years and the biggest anyone got was an 8-pointer and on my third year out i got this. I used a 30-30 Marlin. It was a 70-yard shot and it dropped staright down didn't even flinch: 1 shot 1 kill. Tell me what you think.–abfreddie64
My son Chet Zapzalka, 12 years old, had a good day of deer hunting. He filled both our buck tags and a bonus doe tag in one day. After being shut out the first two weekends of this season in the slug zone, we headed North to some friends' land near Blackduck, MN. In the morning, we sat about 45 minutes when the first deer, a 6 pt buck, emerged from the woods to the field we were watching. After 1 shot with a borrowed .243 he dropped it dead in its tracks. After field dressing and hanging it we headed back to the field. This time we had to wait about 3 hours, but then a doe emerged from the woods and he downed it with a borrowed 20 ga. slug gun. We hadn't even left the stand to field dress the doe when the second buck emerged, a 7pt, from the same spot. He downed it with one shot dead in its tracks again, and again with a borrowed gun, a .270 Winchester. Three deer. One day. Three different borrowed guns. Not to mention these deer were his 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, deer that he'd ever even shot at or harvested. –Brad Zapzalka
Trent is 10 years old. Last summer, he donated his Henry Golden Boy .22 to a benefit auction for a fellow hunter and friend who had lost both eyes in an auto accident. (This was his idea and choice). A couple of months later he recieved an invitation to go and visit Mike (the guy that had the accident and lost his sight). While visiting with Mike, his uncle came into the house and presented Trent with a youth hunt that had been auctioned off at the benefit. He said he could think of no better person to give it to. The hunt was for a weekend of camping and guided hunting for Trent and a friend. This was such a wonderful experience for him! He will never forget it! This was where and when he got his first buck. –Dena Smith
This year was my son's first year carrying a gun because he just got his hunter safety course certification. His first buck was a 6 pt., but he did well with doe, and also shot a coyote this year. He was 11 years old at the time of the pics. I couldn't be more proud. – Connie Schueneman
This is of my 13-year-old daughter Caitlyn and her first deer. She shot it at 200 yards on Nov. 22, 2008 in Norridgewock, Maine. She was using her Rossi .243. The deer, as you can see, is an 8 pt. with and inside spread of 23 inches and field dressed at 200 lbs. – John Johnson
These pictures were taken of me and my daughter Celeste Janacek on December, 7th 2008. We were hunting in Mills County, Texas. It was a morning hunt and she shot her first deer ever, completely unassisted at 150 yards using a Savage Model 12 in 22-250. The ammo was Remington 55 grain Soft Points. One shot perfectly placed put the buck on the ground where it stood. She was very excited and proud and wanted me to send these pictures of her to everyone at Outdoor Life Magazine. She reads your magazine as much as I do. Thank you all for the work that you do. Your publication helped her get into hunting. – Jason Janacek
My name is Brian Plymale Jr. I am 13 years old. I wanted to send you a picture of my first deer. I shot it with a 12 gauge shot gun on youth day Nov.15 2008 in Frederick County MD. My dad took me out hunting that morning and I got this 8 point 160 lb buck. Thanks. – Brian Plymale Jr
This is my son Colton's first deer. He'd waited his first two years of hunting to get a chance at a big deer. Although I told him to shoot a two point he got within 15 yards of, he still stopped himself from shooting with the thought of bigger bucks in his head. On the first day of this year's hunt we hunted a total of 14 hours and saw only one deer. I knew my son was pretty disappointed and hoped our luck would change. The next morning we spotted a deer at 7 am and they decided to put a stalk on him. After walking over 2 miles they got within 200 yards of where they had seen him bed down. They sat under a cedar tree for over 5 hours waiting for this buck to come walking out. Finally, we decided to have one of our friends jump the buck out. When he started running he went right to him. Shaking in excitement Colton missed the first 4 shots and then realized he forgot his shell belt that he had taken off earlier to get comfortable. He had one shot left and dropped the buck while he was running away. It was 37 and-a-half inches wide!!! – Colton Laird
My name is Shelly Stuart, and I've been hunting for awhile now, but this is my first deer I've ever killed. He was a 9 pt., and weighed about 250lbs. I was hunting in Prairie County, Arkansas with my boyfriend. I killed him 11-09-08, with a 30/30. I'm pretty proud of him, and thought I would share. – Shelly Stuart
This is a picture of my son Daniel Banet. Daniel killed this buck, his first, with a crossbow on Oct.23, 2008 at his uncle's farm in southern IN. what makes this so special is that Daniel has Down's Syndrome. The buck has 11 points. – Daryl Banet
This is a picture of my grandson's first deer. His name is Seth Haywood and he killed this deer in Ripley County, Missouri on November 1, 2008 during Missouri's Youth Deer season. It was a great deer season for him to say the least. 10 point- 120-130lbs. – Alton Thompson
My seven-year-old son Ethan wanted to go deer hunting for his birthday which happened to be on the first day of deer rifle season. The next day, Ethan shot this 11 point buck with his .243 youth rifle. Not bad for his first deer. My wife says that he's grounded from deer hunting until she gets a bigger buck. – Dwight Huston
My name is Kristina and currently reside in Lewiston, Idaho. This is my second year of hunting and after hunting for two days in November 2009 I finally came across an old mature Whitetail.
I was thrilled to have my first deer be such a good looking buck.
Carson Morris is 7 years old and from Bowie, Texas. On November 7, 2009 he shot his first whitetail buck. The deer was shot in Wise County located in north Texas on 160 acres. The buck was 19 inches wide and 22 scoreable points. Carson shot the deer with his Remington .222 rifle.–tracemorris
I shot this buck in the same place my grandpa shot his first mule deer buck in 1945 when he was also 16!–taylor1
My son got a second chance on this buck. He came at first light, but Nate couldn't get a comfortable position for a shot. The buck came back but made a wide circle. Nate made a great shot at around two hundred yards. This is his first deer and I'm not sure who was more excited him or me. Nate Holthe 12 years old, Nov. 1 2009_–c_holthe_
Harvested my first buck with a bow this year… A 12 point. It's a main-frame 10 point with two stickers. He came in from straight downwind, he never winded me and I smacked him at 8 yards.–rootheunicornslayer123
Second year of hunting with his dad and this 3 point walked right in front of their path. Dad pointed, his scope was on 14X and the deer was to close. Son blasted him. Hanging it weighed 156 lb. First buck.–tyger.lyly
We got to the treestand at about 3 o'clock and at 3:15 we saw this buck. My dad grunted a couple times and put out doe scent and this 6 point, 180-pound buck came in at 28 yards. I hit him in the lungs and he went 80 yards before he died. I killed one deer before this one but this was my first buck and he couldn't mean more to me.–erict8

It’s a season of firsts! At least it has been for these fortunate hunters.