Hunting Big Game Hunting Deer Hunting Whitetail Deer Hunting

Shedding Report: Drurys Find “Heart-Attack” Buck

April_3_06 Outdoor Channel TV host and whitetail fanatic Terry Drury reports that as of 4/1/06, he and his buddies have found 45 sheds on his Missouri farm, along with a perfect arrowhead, a rusty butter knife and an 1892 penny. NOTE: Found some big or unusual sheds, or maybe something really cool, like a 100-plus-year-old coin? Click comments below and tell us.

Terry and the boys marched north to Brother Mark Drury’s farm and have picked up 125 antlers so far, including a matching 180-inch pair. If that buck makes it, he’ll push 200 this fall.

But a find one day last week blew their minds, and made them more than a little sad.

Walking a gully 80 yards off a state gravel road, one of the hunters about stepped on the remains of “Heart Attack,” a legendary beast that had roamed the area for years. A few guys had had heart-stopping close calls with the mythical monster over the years, but nobody could get him. In his last years, Heart Attack had lived in a thick core area of only about 200 acres, and he moved almost exclusively at night in hunting season.

Several dark nights last fall, the Drurys got some Wildlife Eye surveillance video footage of Heart Attack. Terry thinks he might have encountered him one cold morning, but he can’t say for sure. “A huge deer was bedded 25 yards from my stand; as I climbed the tree, he blew out there, blowing and sounding huge and heavy,” he says. “I’d like to think it was Heart Attack, especially now that he’s gone.”

The 5×5 gross-scores 199 5/8. The rack is an astounding 30 inches wide. The Drurys checked w/B&C, and they believe it is one of the top 5 widest whitetails of all time!

What happened to Heart Attack? Poached? Hit by a car? Horned to death by a rival? His remains were too decomposed, so we’ll never know.